Type of material used for modular kitchen
Which one can make more location they will go into the various details that make sure that a Modular kitchen is durable is well functional. As well these products are basically plywood MDF htm' are WPC and also SSD. we are going to talk about the screw holding capacity the termite resistance the water resistance and the functional ability the functional functioning aspect of these products. As well we will also go into a bit of the verse at versatility of these products as to how well they can they can be used with a lot of different designs and how well can they be molded for various different interior themes.
As well starting from NFC or melamine phase chip wood this is this is the boot that is made from chips of cutoff boards so technically they're not supposed to be very high in strength and not too much not computable also you generally have a lifespan of four to five years so people who use them generally give a guarantee or warranty of five years but in this also if it is fitted well and if it is if the future boots are made in a very high-density format on great machines. They can actually have a life which is much longer which go to eight to ten years these are the chip boots. which are used by Homular international brands which due to which they are actually able to provide such a long warranty in currently on them NFC is generally a very has very low resistance doumitt. so if you have a termite infestation I would not suggest that you can get NFC specifically and only manufactured one it can be treated with chemicals to be to make sure that it is termite resistant. some of them can it be even termite-proof but they are generally somewhat expensive and are used by international brands. so the screw holding capacity of MHz is also not that great the screw holding capacity which through which telescopic channels the various SSDs mount on to the MFC booth so due to which if you have channels if you have biggest s3 which are going to use a lot of load and are going to be used to regularly. This board gently is not suitable and they are even if it comes off some people are like if the screws come off from NFC board they can still be punch it back into it that's a false myth generally the Indian particle boards they are so weak that if you screw the screws back into the same place or even near that same place the strength is already half.
So again the life is not that good it is not waterproof also it is one of the one of the products which is actually very prone to moisture and we can have various kinds of fungus that can infect this as well now one thing that particle board and MSC are good at is being versatile they can be used to have laminates on both sides. we can have a lot of finishes some of them are very great and they can be made in a lot of different textures also which make it a perfect material that can be used for small interiors for putting out highlights or partitions. These are pretty nice materials to be used over there in city fiberboard this board is a great mood and has much more better strength than the particle pool it can also be treated very well for terminal resistance this is the word that is basically used for you to paint your material on the vicinity of this the versatility of this board is very high. you can have laminates on it you can have various number of pins that can be done on it and the screw holding capacity of this goal is also pretty decent. it's not as high as say plywood but it still gives you a life of seven to eight years if done well the next material that we are going to talk about is plywood.
It is the most commonly used material in modular vision wardrobe it has the highest amount of strength probably the highest amount of life as well.if plywood is treated well it can actually have a life of up to 20 years generally normal plywood can have a life of up to ten to twelve years some of the branded flies like century plywood or green glass they the one the well treated ones can actually have a life of up to twenty years most of these placards are treated for being Western resistance and termite. resistance some can also be treated to be moisture proof and termite proof even though they are not 100% proof but still they come pretty close and with a life of twenty years or ten plus years in some cases it's a pretty good bet it's the right reason why a lot of people use this product in India. the screw holding capacity is great due to which any kind of accessory can be mounted on we used very frequently and it will last you a like that the versatility of the product is not that high unfortunately plywood. cannot be used to paint any color that you want to have any kind of finish that you want being a natural good material it has certain deformities which actually gets highlighted.
If you have to paint on it otherwise they go well with laminates and yeah they go very well with laminates I would not say they go very well with acrylic some Doosan acrylic. if you have a really good player then that might go well with acrylic otherwise if you have an acrylic sheet that goes on to the ply they have certain indents they have certain deformities that might show another material which is very popular and up-and-coming in the market is WPC which is wood polymer composite board they basically use wood as well as plastic to blend together and meet a board which is practically termite proof this is the reason. why in India is becoming very much popular people who suffer from termite after using wrong kinds of plywood or MDF or particle boards now they want something which is completely termite proof, if they also make up Lea termite proof WBC is the best unfortunately though I would not endorse WPC because WPC has very little screw holding capacity even lesser than particle coat. so you'll be seeing your accessories and channels coming off then the end of the year that you are using it be really tough for you to get them back over there so that's. why I don't recommend that you use WP see that often in terms of versatility it is way tough to paint WBC and it comes very costly to actually have laminates and acrylic sheets pasted on them as well what I would always suggest is that you actually go for a good line WPC or you go for a very good MDF board. even that works well there are some companies that provide WPC boards which have highest row holding capacity but they become very costly and I would not suggest those to be used the last product we are going to talk about is HTH Emma this is high density fiber board this is the board which is one step above from MDF and it comes pretty close to plywood in terms of strength and screw holding capacity.
It has been treated very well for termite resistance as well as moisture resistance this makes it one of the ideal candidates to be used in modular kitchens and word rooms this has the strength of the plywood as well as the smoothness of the MDF boards which also make gives it versatility to be used to place laminates to paste acrylic sheets to have paints done. on it we have lacquer done on it's a top of that it's want for your shutters in all these categories also most of these HTML would not only are high in strength some of the some of the ones which are manufactured by actual Homular companies also that are coming up with them they are pretty near to being termite proof and waterproof also they have been tested very well and most of these brought most of the high density fiber boards. They actually have a life span of 10 to 12 years plus so it's a very great option if you want to go helps with that is one of the best for outside that is available in the market to make your furniture and kitchen.

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