How To Interior Design Living Room And Kitchen Makeover Reveal
Homular Interior absolute last project in Delhi india this house it’s former clients and actually now to come over for drinks recently and you know what a story to tell you is that an amazing first impression in a home. what these are disappearing doors that go into the walls and what you see straight. when you walk in here is the most spectacular pool ever seen this is an incredible home to begin with and most of the world would be so thrilled to live in this house. Even the way it is right now and you know what there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it’s amazing but when amazing is that a word. what is wrong with this room nothing but could make some changes here and there to just sort of step it up a little bit so to walk through brought blue tape and to tape off where the furniture should go they say optimal television watching is about 11 feet right now at 14. Literally tape it out on the floor kind of old school but it works it’s very effective allowed 30 inches and that right there from here to where that back is 30 inches. so it would be a really comfortable would be just sitting on the other side. Now this is a booth this thing is so dark the seat is dark the table’s dark the countertop is dark and when sitting in here gotta tell you feel a little bit in a cave and yet it’s perfect for a family how cool is this everyone can scoot around you can seat a lot of people some ideas of ways that they can take this soften. It up a bit in doing this usually when you have a countertop it overhangs an inch and a half and that’s fine to do around but this just creates a pain in the neck or back because it should not have gone over here there should have been no overhang.
It should have been flush with the back but if a cushion bring that out so rather than cover this up bring the cushion out and that will make it flush then plan is to get rid of this table too much of a good thing this is the same stone that is surrounding this entire island and the entire booth to take this out replace this with a more organic wood color that that’s what this this room is missing is this organic element. so if this table goes lighter and has the white it’s not the espresso it’s in between and it is a wood that has grain showing look a lot more organic and a lot more welcoming and warm. So what they’ve done so far over here a couple of months ago and said you know this backsplash here this used to be a gray tile backsplash that came along here jumped in here and then straight down there was tile and then nothing else and .The principle of flow that teach on the design sessions if want to know more about flow and trust should go and join the design sessions. it is the most amazing on-demand platform for learning to do interior design projects in own home and elephant in the room design sessions members please tell what’s wrong with this picture that’s a warm gray it’s like a brown gray whatever it is up against that cabinet that looks nice gizmo. it looks nice but it looks so client our furniture has arrived or is arriving kelly’s to are also to schlep a bunch of stuff in lay out the rug and start the process of making this house looks absolutely beautiful. one of the things that is all the accessorizing 12 of the 12 inch yeah this one it one but has a unique plant in some way know do you ever wonder that pot so far everything looks super dark. which was not where was if put it up that high that client will forget to water it a hundred percent darn it ever going to see you again i don’t know you tell to come out to tulsa yeah why not you should do some stuff together project house you want to meet somewhere you want to talk to about something private yes is this where the marriage proposal comes love you oscar to walk you through a project that in just a few short months.
it’s actually last and final project here in Delhi and they have a great story are ready to see what into and what i thought about doing and where went this great room is just that a great room it’s actually huge and the fact that. it has disappearing doors right on out to the outside is spectacular but there were some problematic issues here number one pretty much the walls were just a very soft white the ceiling was a soft white and all of the cabinets including this booth was all an espresso nothing felt. it came together everything felt it was just either too bright or too dark too bright or too dark and there was no cozy warm inviting feeling in this room. one of the things the client did not like about this house and what they had chosen when they bought the model was they had picked this stone this stone was so dark and the client literally wanted to redo this and i said you know i think i have i think i have a solution. where we can keep the stone how many of you know that one of highest priorities on any project doesn’t matter what it is lighting would you to see the difference between this stone this the way. it’s been since they bought this house and like this so we re-did her accessorizing adding art over here a companion piece on the other side to balance. it on one on the top one on the bottom the floating shelves that were in here.
They were this deep originally and i said you know none of those shelves are lit and it’s it’s true in every project lighting means everything we accomplish this look by adding strips of led lights along each one of these shelves then oscar came in and added this amazing strip of wood to the existing shelf. it’s very simple just added but if you were to look underneath here you would see these rows of lights that add these dots which are not very fun to look at this little piece of trim will shield your eye from that obtrusive light this booth was really a great upgrade. that the clients bought when they bought their house in the model it came with this same exact dark stone then they had the same stone right here on the table top this looked darth vader had arrived it was so dark then i found the sugar wood gosh is this just so is this wrong this is weird and now back here is idea let’s upholster not just put cushions in here not just a bunch of pillows throw pillows let’s actually upholster. it a booth in a restaurant gosh this is now so stinking comfortable and look this is the heavier people for at thanksgiving i might want this one and then in the summer. when point might need this one closer to you be why did you upholster that in white or off-white tell for the last few that done with used perennials fabric this is the stuff that you can spray with bleach and you can get red wine stains or anything else out of it the original wall color.
which is this wraps on two walls and i change the wall color here all the way across and on that wall to a benjamin moore color called ashley gray the reason i did that was to create a warmer look on these two walls over here. Its looking at all of the dark cabinetry now with the ashley gray added all the way across and the star tile here you can see that it’s created much more of a sense of flow and less contrast. when first arrived at this house they had a backsplash underneath here that went up to here back down and around and it was a light color but above the hood was drywall and i said uh what we need is flow before we had a rectangular coffee table and now i had oscar build a custom-made rustic oak plank wood table and it’s a 60 by 60 much more appropriate for the size of this room and the size of this sofa which is quite large this new sofa is light years ahead of what they had we had this custom made in perennials fabric but you know what makes this sofa completely different than the last one is that i actually made this a two-sided sofa so that one side would actually be perfect for parties flowing in and out and remember this is actually indoor outdoor fabric you could sit. on this with a bathing suit a wet bathing suit enjoy everyone and still be inside warm well lit with these two really cute floor lamps on either side is this so fun so buddy and i were just talking about this is where it all began wasn’t it buddy when i was in west hollywood shopping for this project and i was looking for the right area rug.
now what they had before was a color it was such a good blend right into the floor you could barely see it but i wanted to find something that was modern still organic i didn’t want it to be sandy but i still wanted it to be we both did didn’t we come on buddy you know we did this leather tray in cognac brings in our look basket with fresh plants you’ll see fresh plants everywhere. which sure she’s going to love and look at this did you see what this is this is a wooden bowl of beads every color in the rug and every color in the palette of all the things in here well gosh it’s hard to say because everything but come on this light fixture this fixture is 60 inches round and it drops from the beam to what how far did we drop it eric 62 inches thank you it’s always nice to have your electrician right behind you. so he can answer these technical questions this wall i think is so important in this home because it kind of separated from the rest of the room and there’s only so much drywall and then the rest goes away. as doors and windows so something really spectacular needed to be here i found this route in my travels and in my shopping and i thought my gosh how architectural and yet organic it would be great in the right home right location and this turned out to be the absolute perfect spot for this route i had two spotlights dropped from the ceiling. that light this root up so beautifully if you’d like to see what this would look like if we had not added lights i can show you right here all right as we cross this way you’re so good okay you can turn around and take a look at your new family room let’s go oh my god look at this carpet do you like it do you those are awesome these are my favorite chairs of all time i’m so glad you like these because i think these are the best chairs ever isn’t this so great so you know before you had do you.
it’s gorgeous good and look at this amazing chandelier so excited it’s comfortable too and it’s not too big nope yep so by the way oh yes light well doesn’t it make a difference it’s unbelievable yeah all of these all of these are lit if you look underneath here and then oscar ran a strip of molding along here. so that your eye doesn’t see it no but it doesn’t feel it’s much it’s so much so comfortable this rug helps a lot i would just say it’s just don’t you think she’s coming out like this yeah it it sort of put it connected . now now the rest of the house good luck walking into the rest of the room we’re not going to we’re just staying here you should sleep in here this booth wanted you to hear the story about how these two which was like six years ago and i happened to crazy shopping in start the story because i had recently been on looking at different things for our house and the only pictures. were your designs correct literally the only ones that he said i like that was yours wow and so him the whole pitch about was like i don’t know [Music] and i had sent you an email and i was really excited and every day i checked my email i checked my email and by like day six he’s like have you heard from them like it was like we were waiting like for like are we having a baby or not it was like a very it was a very intense thing and so i said when i said at the end of that week i happened to see you at the store and it was really funny then you came over and i had just told you that i was you were out of town for a week so you hadn’t gotten your email and you were at our house the next morning. now we have like 14 more rooms to do we’ve got a lot more rooms i know so i think between now and when i come back if i come back next year think about what’s your next priority and pillows now listen i have one thing to say a lot of pillows you men always complain about your wives and all their this right here is the end of your pillow investment thank you you. popping out of every closet right perfect and right pillows you don’t need to buy anymore so stop it with the pillow shop well there’s a rug and it matches one more pillow which oh your hermes pillow you can add that as your crown signature pillow thank you dear thanks guys you’re you’re so welcome it was a pleasure gorgeous this is really good wine yes she’s staying staying who has the best wine tonight that’s where going well guys what do you think is this an amazing home i think that maybe phase two of coming back to delhi should be this area i mean yes the pool is pretty spectacular and right now it feels really good but i think there’s a lot of outdoor furniture Homular you know a whole lot more i could do out here than what they’ve done in the beginning so leave me a comment below and let our clients know should return to Delhi yet another time to do another .

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